Who are we
return2 is made by Alex and Malte, two (former) computer science and business information system students, based in Germany.
Alex, born in 1997, likes to build software with Web-Technologies and is a big fan of Typescript, Macs and beautiful user interfaces. He is currently working as a Software Engineer at an IT consulting company. Alex is always up for trying out new technologies. Some of his other hobbies include: board games, music, photography and car rallyes.
Malte, born in 1996, loves open-source software, Linux, and the small Raspberry Pi. He works as a Research Associate at the German Fraunhofer Society. He also likes playing piano, acoustic guitar and taking some great landscape pictures in his free time.
Blog concept
This tech blog can be seen as an collaborative, open notebook from us. We are writing about tech, coding, photography and all these stuff we like. Our intention is to share some problems and (hopefully) interesting stuff with you and all the other nerdy people around the world.